Youth Connect Fields marked with an * are required Youth Connect Registration Youth Connect is a free Kids Bible Club that takes place Wednesdays during the school year (12 weeks each semester). Every child,1st-5th grade, will be given a Truth Trackers book where they can earn points through Bible reading & verse memory. Each child will be challenged to apply Bible truths in their own lives, learn team building with crazy games, and enjoy a yummy snack at the end! Throughout the year we will have class parties, a Flashlight Candy Hunt, and end of the season competitions. Divider Child Information 1 Child's Name (First & Last) * Birthday (MM/DD/YY) Grade Entering * Pre-K (3-4 years old) Kindergarten 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Add Another Parent's Name * Parent's Email * Parent's Cell Phone (Emergency Contact) * Divider Allergies: Yes No Does your child(ren) have any medical needs or food allergies that would hinder their involvment in the activites at Youth Connect? If yes, please list in the box below. If Yes, please list: Divider Recaptcha If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty.