Revival Meetings with the Sivnkstys’

14 Apr 2015 - 07:00 PM

Trout Run, PA













About Karis Ministries

The purpose of Karis Ministries is to glorify God by accomplishing His will through the evangelization of unbelievers, the exhortation of believers and the encouragement of the spiritual leadership of the ministries which we serve.

We minister in fundamental, Bible-preaching churches , camps, and schools. We are available for evangelistic outreaches and meetings, revival meetings, retreats, conferences, youth group meetings, children’s meetings, sportsmen’s banquets and other activities that advance the cause of Christ.

Karis Ministries consists of the Todd Sivnksty family traveling together as a ministry team, and an advisory board of godly men who pray for us, encourage us, and give us counsel.

Karis Ministries is a strong supporter of the local church. While we often minister in “para-church” ministries, we seek to uphold and enhance the ministry of the local church through these other ministries. We will continue to share and expand on our philosophy of evangelism and ministry in future articles which will be posted on this website.

Todd is available to go on any type of visitation or outreach opportunities, and sometimes Cameron goes with him. His heart is truly to serve in any capacity necessary. Todd also enjoys working with children and teens.

We are also available for times of fellowship with the staff as well as with church folks. Krista is available to play the piano throughout the week (or weeks) of the meeting, Todd and Krista are available to sing duets, and Cameron and Ivy are available to sing. We prefer for the people of the church to be involved in those aspects of the ministry, but we are available to help as needed. Krista also enjoys speaking to ladies groups, whether it is in a Sunday School setting, a banquet, a ladies retreat, or a conference.

About Our Family

Todd … I grew up in the home of an evangelist, traveling in meetings ten months of the year. I was saved at the age of four in Winter Haven, Florida on a Sunday morning after children’s church. Acts 16:31 – “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” is the verse the Holy Spirit used to enlighten my heart with the reality of personal faith in Christ. At the age of eleven I received assurance of salvation through the circumstances of my mother’s serious illness. Shortly thereafter I was baptized. I was home schooled through high school, and then attended Bob Jones University for my Undergraduate degree in Bible and my Masters degree in Pastoral Studies. I then served for almost two years at West Branch Camp with Morris Gleiser who was the camp director. I then helped Kerry Allen plant the Fox River Baptist Church in Yorkville, IL. In the summer of ’94 I served at the Wilds of the Rockies where I met Krista, and the year after we were married. After the summer of ’94 I began serving as Youth Pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Mechanicsburg, PA under Pastor Chess Carr. The Lord then called us in ’97 to serve in the ministry of Faith Baptist Church in Longmont, CO under the leadership of Pastor Rick Cross. Throughout my college and ministry experiences I believed the Lord was preparing us to eventually enter full-time evangelism. God directed us into full-time evangelism in May of 2000, and we are thrilled to be serving the Lord in this capacity.

Krista – I thought I was saved at the age of seven after “making a decision” in Sunday School, but later at age fourteen I truly accepted Christ after a revival meeting. I grew up attending Faith Baptist Church and School in Longmont, CO and went on to major in Sacred Music at Bob Jones University. I had always wanted to be in full-time ministry, and now I am thrilled to be involved in evangelism. My desire is to be a help and encouragement in any way that I can.

Krista has recorded two sacred piano CDs and has several pieces of sacred music published.

Cameron and Ivy – Cameron was born June 6, 2000, and Ivy was born November 15, 2002. Our children are a wonderful help in our meetings as they greet people, quote verses during announcement time and minister in music when the opportunity arises. Since we travel as a family our children are home schooled.