Welcome to Steam Valley Bible Church online! Our website is here as a resource for those looking for the truth. We want to welcome you to browse and find the information you’re looking for and tools to help you further your growth in Jesus Christ. For those of you who are interested in visiting just follow this link to find directions and we will look forward to seeing you soon!
For over 50 years the people of Steam Valley Bible Church have gathered as a faithful group of believers seeking to hear and obey the Word of God. As a church, her first meetings began across Route 15 in the little white church on the hill; however, in 1969 God blessed us with the present facilities. Our overall purpose is to glorify God through the Lord Jesus Christ. As a “lighthouse on the hill,” we seek to give the light of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ to all who will receive Him. As a Bible church we meet to hear the Word preached that we may grow in our Christian walk to become more like our precious Savior, Jesus Christ.
What do we offer to you?
A place to worship God and hear His Word taught and preached
God honoring music
Sunday School for all ages
Children’s and Teen Programs and Activities
Friendly Fellowship!
A Sweet Spirit!
Lots of Smiles!
Hope for tomorrow and all of eternity!