The public is cordially invited to attend and participate in…
WHAT: A demonstration of the Pesach (Passover) Seder Meal
WHEN: Sunday, April 9, 5:00 p.m.
WHO: Rev. Roger L. Wambold, General Director of Hebrew Christian Fellowship will do the demonstration
WHERE: Steam Valley Bible Church Activity Building
Please register by Saturday, April 1 so that adequate preparations can be made. Thank you!
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A Demonstration of the Pesach (Passover) Seder
For over three thousand years Jewish families have remembered thewondrous events recorded in Exodus 12 by means of a special meal, theSeder, held in the home on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
Followers of Yeshua (Jesus) see in this practice a wonderful picture of God’splan of redemption through the death of the Lamb of God (Christ, OurPassover, 1 Corinthians 5:7). This dramatic picture is displayed in the springof every year in Jewish households throughout the world.
Rev. Wambold, General Director of Hebrew Christian Fellowship, will concentrate particularly on the six items on the Passoverplate and the Afikoman (broken matzo). The demonstration involvesmembers of the audience in an interactive way with an opportunity toexperience the event by tasting and touching, as well as seeing and hearing.
Followers of Jesus will appreciate the connection between this wonderful Jewish practice and their own faith. Jews will gain an understanding of the Christological elements of the holiday as perceived by Christians and the Jewish writers of the New Testament.